Smart Dogs

Dogs Trained

We currently have several very impressive K9s in training that are almost ready for their new job!
Please call for details.
We currently have several very impressive K9s in training that are almost ready for their new job!
Please call for details.
Afry is one of our German imported females. She has produced outstanding puppies for us in the past.
Andy and I want to tell you how much we absolutely love Pepper. She is incredibly smart and for a 6 month old mali puppy extremely well behaved. We went into this knowing we were getting a high drive dog and were prepared to put in the time. We have been using Michael Ellis and Leerburg training methods with food and we are very pleased with how much she has… Read More
it's Dave Caruso. Just here to keep you up to date on the pup I got from you. I couldn't be happier!! He is just amazing. His work ethic is second to none, his willingness to please is incredible. His drive is through the roof and I love it. I go up every other weekend (every weekend come spring) to Fabian Robinson to train him for schutzhund and he's doing… Read More
We wanted to update you on Arthur and Roxy, our two Belgian Malinois who work together as a team and are so well trained, calm and a perfect match together thanks to you! We are overjoyed with all of the work and training you have done with Arthur, our one year old male Belgian Malinois, who came to you for basic training and was able to advance into protection work… Read More
Buying my belgian malinois Arko from you was honestly the best decision I made. First off you made the process very easy and smooth. You were very honest and upfront and I loved that. You breed very strong, solid and sociable dogs. The transition bringing him home was effortless due to the first 8 weeks he was with you. His energy and driven were exactlly what you told me they'd… Read More
Our family first met Jerry Mace when we were having issues with our puppy, Ella. From the start, Jerry was honest, direct and considered our family makeup when helping us train our new addition. Because we came to trust him, when it was time to add another dog to our family, we didn't consider anyone else. As a result, Dallas, our German Shepherd, joined our family:)! From the start, Dallas… Read More
I'm one of the students that attended the Tom Rose School and bought two puppies from you earlier this year. I did incredibly well with both of them while in school, graduating at the top of my class in both the Professional and Master trainer courses. I achieved some of the highest obedience scores they have seen in a long time with such young dogs. If you're interested in seeing… Read More
I'm writing to tell you and your customers about my experience with Mace's Malinois. About three weeks ago I started searching for a protection dog online. I sent dozens of emails to dozens of different companies advertising fully trained protection dogs for sale. I might have received two or three responses after several days of waiting. I spoke to the owner of one such company who asked me a few… Read More
Just wanted to give you an update on Abby. She has gone for her first annual and I would like to share some of the comments from the vet: "Nice straight ears" "Good sit" "Beautiful teeth" "Good skin and coat" "Excellent body shape, very athletic" I had her have a complete blood panel...everything is normal. I no longer worry about her eating, I've introduced "raw" into her diet in the… Read More
Springfield cop and his furry partner are "Top Dog" again after a regional competition. For the second year in a row, Patrolman Jeff Coker and his K9 partner, Kilo, placed first overall in the regional United States Police Canine Association trials at the Springfield Police Academy, beating out 30 other K9 teams. Coker and Kilo placed first in the evidence search, suspect search, and the criminal apprehension with no gun… Read More
Hope you remember me, i picked up a big shepherd pup that I named "Bear" around feb 2012. well, he's awesome, wonderful with kids, pretty good manners most of the time (ha!) and absolutely loves his off-leash farm life. he's everything I hoped for and more! i thought i'd send you a pic or two .. the running one is very recent and the other is back from march 2013.… Read More
Out walking Malcolm this morning in neighborhood. A guy needed directions and said, "hey you got my dog-- a belgian malinois". He asked if I got him from Jerry Mace and told him yes. He said he has a 4 yr. old female out out Jasta and Mira and you have great dogs! Just thought I pass that along for you. Read More
I wanted to update you on our Belgium Malinois we have purchased from you. She is 7 months old and very intelligent. She has a high pry drive as well as a high curiosity. She is a great protector and is very easily trained. She picks things up quickly. She goes everywhere with me even to to Phil. Premium Outlet’s. I was surprised to know of all the places that… Read More
Our Malinois at Work!!! Springfield police officer Jeff Coker and his partner Kilo placed first this past weekend in a competition that tested their crime-fighting skills against other canine teams. For Kilo, a 3-year-old Belgium Malinois, the competition was just another day at the office. “He’s very high intensity. He loves to work,” Coker said. “You want that high drive. You want a dog that doesn’t want to quit.” Coker and Kilo… Read More
Springfield K9 Unit did anawesome job this weekend at the United States Police Canine, Region 16 Field Trials, You and Marcus will be proud to know k9 YANKEE (KILO) finished 1st place overall Top Dog! Also was on our unit 1st Place Team Springfield. Should be in a press release, I will send you and Marcus link when it is released! Read More
We wanted to say hi and let you know that Oakley continues to be a super star for us and we could not be more happy with him. My family and I have never felt more safe. And he is constantly impressing us with how intelligent he is. By accident we discovered that he already knows how to do some tricks like shake hands and speak when asked to speak. … Read More
Thank you! He sure is extremely willing to please and wants to interact with me constantly. I am super happy with him! For years I was planning to go with a Dutchie at some point. I always admired Malimois but never wanted to own one because many of them I have met are kind of....nervy. Little Viper has proved me so wrong. He is such a cool solid puppy! Not a… Read More
I'm very happy with Sheik, everybody is. He's great with my kids and all the other kids in the neighborhood.very well behaved and always right by my side. It's awesome how there are other dogs barking, getting excited and there's Sheik just chillin. Fabian was great he's the real deal. It was a pleasure having him here for the three days. (client requests that no name be shown) Read More
Oakley is doing very well. He is so smart it is shocking at times. In fact the main reason why he gets a correction now (which is rare) is because he anticipates what his next command is and does it before we give the command. The program that Fabian set up for us has been extremely helpful. It was so wonderful to have him here and give us a customized… Read More
Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know we named the puppy Sookie and she is doing very well. A great challenge for us, but we are up to it. She fits in our family very well and seems to be very happy. She is a well behaved dog and is very easily trained. We love her very much. She gets along with our Doberman well. I… Read More
Puppy is doing great (we named her Kya). You were right about obedience classes - she's way ahead of the rest of the class. The trainer is John Wadsworth, he works a lot with military and K9 dogs so he loves having her in class. Potty training was a breeze, she's very loyal and obedient - all around a great pup. She's a tough girl, and always the dominant over… Read More
We want to thank you so much for giving us our puppy she's the best addition to our family!!! She is so intelligent and so cute! She was easy to train and loves to learn new tricks! She also the most loving dog she always has to give kisses all the time!!! So goes everywhere we can take her! She is just a joy to have ! We love her… Read More
Hey Jerry... good story for you. Last night my mom let Anja out to go to the bathroom around 3am and realized someone was breaking into our cars. My moms first instinct was to yell "Anja get him".... No shit, my completely domesticated Malinois who carries a stuffed toy 24/7 and has NEVER had an ounce of protection or bite work leaped into action with that command and chased the… Read More
This is Annie, I bought a female black German Shepherd from you in October. Israel is such a wonderful little puppy. She'll be starting her Search and Rescue training here in a few weeks and if you are interested I'll keep you updated on her progress in school. She is a highly intelligent dog Jerry and very loving with a very high drive. She was potty trained in less then… Read More
Things have been great with Hunter since his last visit with you. He is really an amazing dog – way smarter than I could have ever imagined. Took me a while to understand that he is different from all of the Labradors that I have enjoyed over the years but once you taught us how to act around him, things have been fun for us all. Hunter swims in the… Read More
This is the Zelinsky family, we wanted to update you and share a picture of Rylee (tenacity). Hard to believe she is a year old, she has the funniest personality and brought so much life to our home. We had enrolled her in a training program (with other Malinois) and we are told she is the best dog in class. She even received her Canine Good Citizen Certificate. We are so pleased with how far… Read More
Hi, jerry i just wanted to stop by and tell you that Thor (Blue Stripe from Wassam and Maggie) is doing GREAT!! He is an Awesome puppy, he took to potty training very easily and also his Obedience is just Great he is so eager to please Mommy and learn whatever i will teach him, Thor is also starting to learn Bite work and deff has the drive for it!!… Read More
Just touching base, looks like we may be looking for 2 new dogs for a late fall k9 class to replace 2 retiring dogs. Both dual purpose: 1 narc / 1 explosive. I am very happy so far with ARKO and YANKEE (KILO) . I have seen ASIA work, would be about right by class. What do you think about her work ? Or any other prospects you may have.… Read More
Just wanted to thank you. Rent is a different dog. She has not displayed the timid behavior at all since being home. We had company over last night and she was great even played tug-o-war in the living room. Lol. Funny thing is our boxer notices it too, and the two play much more. I have been taking her to different places to play ball. I ordered a horse whip,… Read More
Just wanted to give you an update on our 7 month old Kaiser. He is doing great with his training and wants to play all day long. Everyday he does something new it is so fun to watch him figure things out. He is so smart we really need to watch him. He already figured out how to open the basement and front glass door. We are so pleased we… Read More
Just a note to let you know that you were absolutely correct, Bubba is an AWESOME dog. Housebroken in the first two days, he already knows sit, shake, down, and come commands in less than a week....... for a 14 week old dog, this is amazing. He is absolutely the most gentle puppy I have ever been around, without any shyness or hesitation on his part which might indicate some… Read More
All six of the Springfield Police Department’s canine teams qualified for the U.S. Police Canine Association national competition during a recent certification trial. The teams and results: Officer Jeff Coker and Kilo: first place novice, third place agility. Officer Steve Termine and Axel: second place apprehension with gunfire, first place evidence search, second place agility. Officer Ryan Machin and Arko: second place apprehension with gunfire. Officer Ron Howard and Jax:… Read More
Good day, I'm compiling pictures as we speak, but yes, Kilo and Arko certified USPCA region 16 and we qualified for nationals. Kilo and Arko's team took team 2nd place. Kilo took first place novice and a 3rd place medal. Arko tied for 2nd, apprehension with gun fire. I will send you pictures of Kilo and Arko very soon. (client requests that no name be shown) Read More
I'm Brandon's fiance Christine. I just wanted to thank you for selling us Nico (Olive). She is such a sweet baby! We absolutely love her! She is very cuddly but she is such a little brut! We are down a laptop cord and an Ipod cord...lol My daughter has found a new friend and just adores her! She took to our dogs very well and the one we have had… Read More
Jerry just wanted to pass along "ARKO" certified PD1 USPCA, placed 2nd apprehension with gunfire,,and 2nd place overall team. "YANKEE"(KILO) 1st place novice,,2nd place overall team and 3rd place agility,,certified UCPCA PD1! (client requests that no name be shown) Read More
Good day, I'm compiling pictures as we speak, but yes, Kilo and Arko certified USPCA region 16 and we qualified for nationals. Kilo and Arko's team took team 2nd place. Kilo took first place novice and a 3rd place medal. Arko tied for 2nd, apprehension with gun fire. I will send you pictures of Kilo and Arko very soon. Thank you. (client requests that no name be shown) Read More
Just wanted to let you know that it's been about 3 weeks now since we'very picked up our female Sidney. We are keeping our fingers crossed because everything is going so well. She was house trained in about a week and already knows some basic commands such as sit, down and come. She is such a pleasant dog with a great temperament. Her intelligence and attentiveness is remarkable. We've always… Read More
He is doing very well, we are so pleased with him and how well he is adjusting to living with us. I am amazed everyday by his intelligence. Potty training was VERY easy. He has only had 2 or 3 accidents and we take blame for them -- each time we did not take him outside quick enough when he was giving us cues that he needed to go out.… Read More
Greetings, my name is Ryan Machin. I am a new K9 officer from the Springfield IL Police Department. Last Monday, 28 Feb 11, I was assigned Arco. First, I want to express my extreme pleasure in having been assigned as Arco's handler. Arco is a beautiful Malinois and the last week has been terrific. I look forward to many years working and enjoying Arco's company. Arco is doing great and… Read More
I just wanted to let you know how AWESOME Vegas is doing! She has been home for 2 months now and things are going great! The weather has put a damper on getting her outside as much as I would like but, her and Dakota are pals. She has her moments that she tries to push him around but, we are all over it now. She sits/stays/comes for everything now.… Read More
Re: Puppy She's doing really well. Thank god the first 2 nights are over because she definitely made it known that being in her crate wasn't her most favorite place. She's doing amazing with the kids, and she's only had 3 accidents in the house so far. She really takes to Joe, but now that he's back to work I have a feeling she's gonna be my sidekick now. She… Read More
He is doing well. He's much calmer and controlled. He has had some tiffs with me where he's jumped up once and started to play bite me. Unfortunately, I didn't have the shock collar on at that time so I layed him down on the ground on his side and layed with my knee on him until he settled down and realized I was in control. That's only happened once.… Read More
We picked up Duncan today at Jerry's house. We can tell he got very attached to Jerry in the time he has been with him, but we are pleased at how well he is doing his first day with us. I think he may be missing Jerry a bit, but we are giving him lots of love and attention. The ride home was a bit challenging. We put Duncan in… Read More
I wanted to thank you for helping our family with Ella, our New f. She will be 6 months old tomorrow and what a learning and growing experience this has been. I was thinking of you today as the kids were doing their homework and Ella was peacefully in the same room chewing on one of her chewies patiently waiting for her to be done because then the playtime begins. … Read More
Hello I'd like to say I'm very pleased with the training romeo had today for his first session I was amazed how fast he learn the commands we did work with romeo today an for the most part he did great i will admit the training collar I wasn't at first to keen about but wow it works an i know its safe for him again our family is blessed… Read More
I appreciate contacting me so quickly. I will call you tomorrow or Monday to set up a time for a evaluation for Baron. I had just gotten done reading a letter from my sister in law from Buffalo telling me her Step Dad and his Wife had a dog that they were having problems with and the "Dog Whisperer" from Mt. Wolf took him for a month and he's a… Read More
Just a small note to tell you how Emmy is doing. She is the Black Tri Aussie that you have been working with in New Cumberland. She just got spayed a week ago. So she was a little quite the last few days.. however, she is more and more herself each day. She is doing very well. As far as what you trained us to do with her, she has… Read More
I looked up the articles for socializing the dogs and cats and none came up. Are they in the archives or am I looking in the wrong place? Thanks for coming last night and educating us all. This morning was the most peaceful morning for us all. The kids really were listening last night along with all of their questions. They love to learn which is a wonderful thing and… Read More
Jerry: Just a little note letting you know how Sophie is doing. We go to the trail at the old Hawke Lake GC and I take her off the leash for the entire almost two hours we are there. I put the remote training collar on just to be safe, but have never had to use it. She responds to a dog whistle I bought plus voice commands to "come." … Read More
The pups are doing great! We have been so surprised with how much their behavior has improved in these last few months. Thanks to you they are now sitting, staying, and laying down on command. They heel beautifully when we take walks and are even getting so good at the "come" part we have been leaving them off the leash in some areas. Astro still has issues with meeting new… Read More
Jerry, you are absolutely killing me with your newsletters! Every time you come up with a dog that needs a home, I start this crusade to save these animals. First I think I'll take it and then realize I really can't! Then I'm on to everyone else I can think of. I'm so glad you found a home for T-Bone. Now I have these other two on my mind. I… Read More
Thank you so much for everything you have done for our family. We cannot begin to thank you enough for the help you have given our family. Betty and Elkie are such obedient loving members of the family. We are constantly hearing from different people how well behaved our dogs are. It is a joy to include them in everything our family does. I hope our story is helpful .… Read More
Jerry came to our house for 4 hour long training sessions with both of our dogs. We have a German Shepherd mix named Katie, and a Cocker Spaniel named Chloe. Katie was always pretty well behaved, but timid around men, and barks a lot. Chloe was and is very hyper. We were having a lot of problems with her "bolting", soiling couches and beds, getting into trash cans, etc. Both… Read More
Jerry came to our house to teach our dogs. We have a Chow who is very head-strong and we have an American Bulldog who was distracted easily. Jerry truly worked wonders. Within one class he had taught us little "secrets" that helped us train the dogs. We went to whatever level we needed to go to. No one made us start at sit, our dogs already knew that. He helped… Read More
I wanted to drop you a quick e-mail to let you know how Betty and Elkie are doing. We took Betty and Elkie to our family cabin along the river this evening. Both dogs stayed right with us. They did explore but as soon as we ask them to come closer they listened. Both dogs also played in the river. They both really enjoyed themselves. I think they will have… Read More
Just wanted to update you Jerry - feel free to use this as a testimonial. "I really wanted to get a puppy but was scared. We had a lab puppy a few years ago and couldn't control it. My daughter was afraid of her constant jumping and nibling, she went all over the house, and it turned into a nightmare. We had to give her away. This time we got… Read More
Laya is doing fantastic. She stays in our yard even when the neighbors and their dog are out. She is doing extremely well walking on the heel command. However, I did try using another collar once and had to come right back to get the one we got from you. We have been working with her, using the remote collar, on jumping up and nipping. We are so impressed with… Read More
Hi, Jerry. I wanted to share some pictures of Hershey and Emmy in their new home, especially on their owner's bed. They're at the point where they're rolling on their backs when they go out for a walk on a leash or to accept belly rubs. They love to go in the crate even though the door is always open. Hershey gets spooked sometimes, but she's improved so much! This… Read More
Jerry I am finally taking a minute out to e-mail you and say once again "Thank-You". You came to my home on March 5th and picked up my son's dog (who has become my dog). Bixie is a almost 3 year old Jack Russell and Spitz mixed. He was very high strung,liked to bark a lot, but the worst thing was that he would bark and go after people he… Read More
Just wanted to update you on Will. It did take about a month or so before he got used to us but he is totally in love with both my husband and I! Other than getting on the furniture when we are not home, (the sneaky little guy!) he is absolutely perfect! I did however, have to make some concessions about the cleanliness of my home but he is very… Read More
Good Afternoon Jerry, I wanted to tell you that Catalina passed her test yesterday. She did very well and i was very pleased w/ her! We also adopted a second dog last week. He is a HUGE pit bull that weighs in at 100 lbs and we named him Sarge. He also passed the test w/ Catalina yesterday so we are legal w/ my home owners insurance. Read More
I just want to thank both of you for all of your help with my 4 dogs.Jerry you have given me the tools that I need to have a pack of dogs that will work well together.Beth,Jerry has said so many wonderful things about you,especially the way you are able to talk with the dogs (get them to come out of their shells)I also want to thank you for all… Read More
A TRUE LIFESAVER January 2008 we brought to our home a 10 week old black ball of fur. Our ball of fur grew and as she did so became a fearful, timid, aggressive German Shepherd monster. We had to keep her away from strangers, in or out of our house. Recognizing a serious situation, we turned to the Classified Ads and found what seemed to be an answer to our… Read More
Carl and I wish to express our sincere appreciation for the wonderful job you did training our Brittany puppy Molly. Being from a very high-spirited breed, Molly’s strong will was proving to be too much for us. Your techniques have allowed us to develop effective ways with which to address our issues with her and to maintain a loving relationship with her at the same time. I think the aspect… Read More
Julie and Her Dog Sante 1)What problems were you having with Sante: Sante was in need of basic obedience training and needed to learn respect for The owner 2)Were we able to fix those problems: Yes 3)Would you recommend us to a friend: Yes 4)Please write a brief testimony as to the positive effects of our training on you and your pet: I actually needed the training and I learned… Read More
Scott and Veronda and Their Dog Koda 1)What problems were you having with Koda: Unruly / out of control. Putting His mouth on people that came into the house. Aggressive towards other Dogs. I was considering giving him back to the breeder 2)Were we able to fix the problem: Yes 3)Would you recommend us to a friend: Yes 4)Please write a brief testimony as to the positive effects of our… Read More
Chad and Dawn and Their Dog Tyler 1)What problems were you having with Tyler: jumping up on people. Not listening. Overly excited all the time. 2)Were we able to fix these problems: Yes 3)Would you recommend us to a friend: Yes Highly 4)Please write a brief testimony as to the positive effects of our training on you and your pet: Jerry is the best dog trainer I have ever seen!!… Read More
Ruth Ann and Her Dog Barney 1)What problems were you having with Barney: Barney was pulling me to walk,growling at all the other dogs we saw, and generally not being really nice to them.He wanted to go after the other dogs Also pulling me down the steps 2)Were we able to fix these problems: Yes 3)Would you recommend us to a friend: Yes 4)Please write a brief testimony as to… Read More
Dan and Laura Katz and their dog Madison 1)What problems were you Having with Madison: Growling at are youngest child (Had biten same child) Leash walking 2)Were we able to fix these problems: Yes 3)Would you recommend us to a friend: Yes 4)Please write a brief testimony as to the positive effects of our training on you and your pet: I felt I had much more control over her in… Read More
Joan and Evelyn and all their Dogs 1)What problems were you having with your pets: Charlie-Our Golden would bark incessantly Not coming when called. Not listening to commands. Chasing any other animal or person to intimidate. Rough wrestling with the puppies. Getting on the furniture. Would not heal or obey any commands (He had been trained by two other so called trainers) Our 2 Miniature Schnauzer puppies: Barking when not… Read More